
If you experience an emergency situation where you feel an urgent need to talk to a professional, contact the FAMILIES FIRST COUNSELING & PSYCHIATRY office or clinician on call. If the outpatient clinic is open and your therapist is present, she/he will return your call. When the clinic is closed, in case of an emergency, contact 911 or depending on your county:

  • Prince George’s County Crisis Response System at 301-927-4500.

  • Montgomery County Crisis Response System at 240-777-4000

  • Baltimore City Crisis, Information and Referral Line at 410-433-5175

  • Baltimore County Crisis and Referral Line at 410-931-2214

  • Howard County Crisis Team at 410-531-6677

This procedure is not be used to discuss matters that can be handled at your next scheduled therapy sessions, nor should it be used to obtain medication refills.) However, if you feel that the situation is life threatening and requires immediate assistance, you should always go to the nearest emergency room.