Client Rights
As a client of Families First Counseling & Psychiatry, you have the right to:
- Be treated in a courteous and dignified manner.
- Be met on time for your appointment or told of any time changes as early as possible.
- Take part in planning your treatment and setting your treatment goals.
- Receive appropriate treatment regardless of your sex, race, age, religion, national origin, disability, or how you choose to pay for care.
- Know your progress in treatment, either through talking with your therapist, or in some cases, reviewing your chart with your therapist.
- Have your questions about your therapy answered.
- Discuss your medication with your doctor. This includes how the medicine works, how it makes you feel, side effects, or anything needed for medication changes.
- Find out in advance how much money you will be charged for treatment.
- Know the names and professions of people treating you.
- Have your treatment records and conversations with your therapist held in the utmost privacy and confidentiality provided by law.
- Decide if you do not want to continue with treatment.
- Not be subjected to physical, mental, verbal, or sexual abuse.
- Know that parents and legal guardians are responsible for children 16 years and under. All procedures regarding client rights and confidentiality apply to them.
- Have a response within five working days to any complaint that you may have.
- Refuse to participate in intrusive research or to be photographed by an employee, visitor or other patient.
- Receive an understandable explanation of these rights at any reasonable time.
- File grievance if you believe that any of these rights have been violated, using the Grievance Procedures you have been given.
- Refuse medication.
Client Responsibilities
As a client of Families First Counseling & Psychiatry, you have the responsibility to:
- Work with your clinician to plan your treatment and decide on the goals of your treatment.
- Work to accomplish your treatment goals. This includes taking medication as prescribed.
- Be honest with your clinician(s) in discussing anything related to your problems.
- Tell your therapist and psychiatrist how your medications make you feel. Tell them about the side effects from any medications you take.
- Give correct information to the staff about your family income, your employment and your health insurance coverage. Immediately tell the administrative staff whenever there is a change in any of these.
- Pay your fees at the time of your visit. Discuss any problems with your fees with the administrative staff.
- Keep your appointment and be on time, since your appointment time is set aside for you. If you are late, the time available for your session will be shortened. If you are more than 15 minutes late your therapist or doctor may not be able to see you at all. If you know that you will be delayed or that you will not be able to keep your appointment, please call. You may be charged for any sessions that you miss without giving 24 hours notice.
- Let your clinician know if you are not doing well or if you are feeling worse.
- Talk with your clinician if you are thinking about stopping your treatment. You may be ready to handle things on your own, or you may be facing a difficult spot in treatment and need some additional help dealing with it.